After a few Sundays of work, I finished a migration of most of the content of to

The old blog pages from are now available here.

The old RSS feed now points to Atom feed of the House category of

This update is the first post about the house here at

Quick update since the last from May 2012

We moved in at the beginning of February 2012.

The house had basically the roof on, windows and doors installed and unfinished exterior and no interior whatsoever. Just bare container walls.

The first year was rough.

Today, the exterior of the house is done & interior is almost there.

The house is performing very well.

The process of living in the house while we were working on its exterior & interior allowed us to create exactly what we wanted.

We also got done a fair bit of landscaping, gardening, acquired a couple of chickens & rabbits, got shed, weather station and a smokery.

In the future posts I will attempt to back-track the last four years of work on the house, but I will also post updates about new developements.

Here is a photo of the house from today morning.

Kuziel Residence, New Zealand, 26 August 2016


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