2021 January 30-31, Jollie Brook, Hurunui River, New Zealand

Day 1

  • Dry session: gear, knots
  • Swimming & eddy hopping
  • Using sling instead of rope for rescue
  • Using sling to tether when using rope for rescue
  • Cliff scouting
  • Dry session: mechanical systems. z-drag using truckers hitch and italian for take/give slack
  • Getting ropes across river
  • Anchor and stretch rope across river using z-drag
  • Strainer:
    • Install strainer across river
    • Active swimming over strainer
    • Kayak practice on strainer

Day 2

  • Warm up
  • Dry session:
    • gear recovery
    • deep water rescue techniques
  • Vertical rescue:
    • 10 whanau mahi
    • loop via two carabinas on pfd and italian at the anchor so that victim pulls up on the fixed end and slack is taken via the italian. two anchors clearly distinguishable
  • Swimming, eddy hopping, getting rope across using live bait, rope throwing, sling throwing
  • Mechanical advantage; 3:1 z-drag; vector pull; getting pinned kayak out
  • Getting out and in boat at vertical
  • Getting rope across river and getting person across river on rope: pendulum, side pull
  • Pinned kayaker rescue scenarios


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